Commenting on my comment on John's second post on bogus green jobs claims (BTW, if anyone cares, I agree with John)--
Y'all have no idea how much I am enjoying this. I finally have a misdirection I can use when I start getting hammered for calling peak oil bogus ("Oh yeah! Well, John says green jobs are bogus).
--reader L writes:
Tim, Can you do a post on why you think peak oil is bogus? I haven't seen that one in the past.
Instead of writing a new post--I get lazy around the holidays--I'll point you here and then leave you with this excerpt from my arrogant brilliance (from November of 2006):
As oil becomes more scarce, oil will become more difficult to find, more difficult to extract and less profitable. In short, prices will rise. As prices rise there will be incentives for additional exploration (if you can make more money, you'll look for more oil), incentives for conservation (who likes to pay high prices?), and incentives for investment in alternative energies (hydrogen may not be cost effective now, but if gas hits $10 a gallon, it might be). The upshot: peak oil doesn't matter. There's no particular significance to reaching the peak, the real problems come when we reach the bottom of the hill.