It's 9:40 PM on a Friday night. I'm sitting in a hotel room alone. I spent the last 1/2 an hour trying to get my new laptop to connect to the wireless network (VISTA!!!!). $14.99 for a day. And it's ssslllloooowww. Sheesh. Today, I spent the day in Baltimore with my parents. They want to know why I'm not doing anything to fix the economy (no really, they think I have magical super-economic powers). I need a drink.
I'm headed to the hotel bar to meet John for a beer. Just one. OK, maybe two. But that's it. Two. Or three. That's my limit.
Tomorrow morning, 8:00 AM, John and I will be wowwing (is that how you spell that?) the Southern Economics Association with our charm and wit. If you're lucky, I'll keep a running diary of the frivolity. I'll bet you can't wait.