There could be some dramatic changes in Nags Head, NC (Sandbags days are numbered ...):
First to go will likely be the beat-up, uncovered sandbags that block public access on the beach. Next could be the ugly bald bags piled willy-nilly in front of oceanfront houses.
Now that the state has inventoried all the exposed sandbags protecting properties in coastal counties, a priority list for removal is being made in preparation for sending notices to property owners.
... Nags Head is part of a federally approved Outer Banks beach nourishment project, but Congress has declined to fund all but the initial phase. In a 2007 referendum, taxpayers overwhelmingly voted against paying for a town project.
... Notices to property owners to remove the bags will be sent out in waves of 15 or 20 starting at the end of August, ...
Property owners have 30 days to respond after receiving the letter. If they do not comply, a formal notice of violation will be issued by the division.
The goal for Nags Head property owners, [Mack Paul, a partner with K & L Gates in Raleigh] said, is to give them enough time to keep the sandbags until the beaches can be widened.
"I think the homeowners would like to be more engaged with the town in pursuing beach nourishment," Paul said.
The thing to watch is whether homeowners will be engaged enough to foot more of the bill for nourishment.