From the inbox:
This is with reference to your Board Membership in Open Environmental Sciences (ISSN: 1876-3251) (
The journal is establishing itself as an important open access journal - A free-to-view journal reaching potentially millions of readers. We are pleased to inform you that since the recent launch of the journal, we have received many submitted articles. Moreover, an increasing number of prospective eminent authors have expressed their interest to submit an article soon. This is an excellent start considering that the journal was only recently launched.
I clicked the link and there I am on the editorial board [I wonder what it says about the journal that alphabetical ordering of the Editorial Advisory Board is a challenge?]:
M.J. Whitehead (UK)
D.M. Williamson (USA)
J.C. Whitehead (USA)
D.C. Wilson (Denmark)
Was I appointed to the editorial board without my knowledge? Or did I agree to this and completely forget?
I wonder what else I have completely forgotten about.