presents a list of the top 100 economics blogs. We're #50. But, the list is broken into categories that render the overall rankings questionable: f.e.** international economic blogs are #'s 1-15, environmental econ blogs are #'s 50-54. Does that mean we're 35 spots worse than the 15th best international econ blog? I prefer to think of us as the #1 environmental economics blog. To wit, we are listed as 'The Environmental Economics Blog. [emphasis added]' And really is there a need for any other?
**I'm tired of pretentious abbreviations for Latin terms no one knows (there's a reason the language died): e.g.=exempli gratia=for example, i.e.=id est=that is. So from now on, or until I forget, 'f.e.'=for example and 'that is'=that is--are 6 letters really that hard to type?