The next victims in the ethanol domino string...elephants and orangutans:
Increasing amounts of biofuels (substitutes for petrol or diesel made from crops such as sugar cane, beet, maize, wheat, oilseed rape and oil palm) are being produced to reduce the carbon dioxide impact of transport. But the World Land Trust (WLT) argues this requires vast areas of land and is not the best way of using land to mitigate climate change. The WLT would like us all to consider the knock on effects of the increase in demand for Biofuels which they feel are not currently being acknowledged. As we produce more and more rape seed here in the UK to cope with demand, we leave the third world to produce our fruit and cereals which in turn forces them to clear more endangered habitat, significantly clocking up the UK's food miles. And let's not forget how the elephants of India or orangutans of Borneo who suffer in our race to find a so called 'green fuel'.