From NOAA's Fishnews:
NOAA Fisheries has posted a pre-publication copy of a Technical Memorandum on the design and use of limited access privilege programs. This document was developed by NOAA Fisheries' Office of Policy utilizing a small steering committee comprised of NOAA, Council and other personnel with expertise or experience with limited access privilege (LAP) programs. The result is non-regulatory guidance on the technical design and use of LAP approaches, all in the context of the Magnuson-Stevens Reauthorization Act of 2006. This non-binding technical information evaluates the relative pros and cons of various LAP approaches and discusses options available to address general questions about the future use of LAPs given past domestic and international experiences.
The pre-publication draft will be posted online [until the middle of August] prior to submitting it for printing.
Downloads are available while supplies last.
Note: Limited access privilege program is the secret code word for individual (transferable) quotas (couldn't anyone see the "lap dance" jokes coming? At the SAFMC meetings in June, I wasn't even the first one who said it [i.e., yes, there is someone out there who is more immature than I]). Market-based fisheries management is back baby!