Here is the thank you letter from my congratulatory address:
On behalf of the officers and members of the North Carolina Epsilon chapter of Pi Gamma Mu, the International Social Science Honor Society, I wish to express our appreciation to you for participating in the April 2007 induction and delivering the congratulatory address.
Given the range of social sciences included in this organization (anthropology, criminal justice, economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, sociology, and social work), you had quite a challenge in making inclusive your remarks concerning the societal problems facing and opportunities awaiting those students who have an academic background in the study of these fields. By using your expertise in environmental economics as your frame of reference, then posing questions based upon reflection of contemporary scenarios, you were able to capture the imagination and make one think about the application of more than one social science to a particular problem. — and all with a sense of wonder and a dose of humor!!!
Hey, they used the word "humor." Maybe my jokes WERE interpreted as jokes!