The Environmental Economics blog is dedicated to the dissemination of economists’ views on current environmental and natural resource issues. We hope this blog will help bring economists’ views on environmental issues further into the mainstream. The intended audience includes the general public and students. Posts are non-technical.
Potential types of posts include:
- Opinion pieces
- Current events
- News analyses
- Literature reviews
- Research summaries
- Back of the envelope analyses
- Rules of thumb
- Case studies
- Simple data analyses
- Book reviews
- Research notes, comments, replies
- Etc.
If you would like to become an occassional, regular or, even, a one-time contributor please contact the one or both of the editors:
We look forward to reading your posts!
Tim and John
Note: For more information about what we are up to check out the entry on blogs in Wikipedia. For a comprehensive listing of economics blogs and a sampling of recent posts check out the Economics Roundtable.