USEPA News Release:
U.S. beaches have become more-enjoyable places for Americans to play, thanks to improved water monitoring and state and local actions to address sources of pollution.
EPA's most recent data on beach closings and advisories show that only four percent of beach days were lost in 2004 due to advisories or closures triggered by monitoring for bacteria. Most of the closures were relatively short in duration. More than 2,700 closings were two days or less, and only 59 closings lasted more than 30 days.
"The small percentage of beach days lost in 2004 is encouraging," said Assistant Administrator for Water Benjamin H. Grumbles. "Reducing exposure to disease-causing bacteria in beach water will help protect all Americans, especially children, who are more susceptible to pathogens. Finding the sources of pollution will help keep beach-goers safe at their favorite recreational spots. Federal dollars have gone a long way to help states identify problems."
Summary information for 2004 is available at:
This news makes me happy. When I'm happy I like to sing. Try this one at home:
Sung to the tune of Carole King's "I see the earth move"
I feel the beach demand shifting right
I feel the benefits going up, go-o-ing up
I feel congestion ri-i-sing
With all these people around
Um, sorry 'bout that.