From Mike Moffat at's Mileage Tax: A Truly Bad Idea
I try not to editorialize when I comment on public policy proposals. I try to give my readers the pros and cons of any potential new law and leave it up to t...
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Greg Mankiw discusses "four keys to a better tax system" that includes an increase in the gas tax:
A good rule of thumb is that when you tax something, you get less of it. That means that taxes on hard work, saving and entrepreneurial...
As America's road planners struggle to find the cash to mend a crumbling highway system, many are beginning to see a solution in a little black box that fits neatly by the dashboard of your car.
The devices, which track every mile ...
I had the following conversation at the local Blockbuster recently:Employee: This is due back on Friday, but you know we don't have late fees anymore.
Me: So what happens if I bring it back after Friday?
Employee: You will be assess...
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I'm angry. I can't believe we're right back where we were a year ago. Gas prices are rising and Congress is trying to do something about it. Eighty-two Democrats and 3 Republicans in the House have proposed the Federal Price Gouging P...
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The Market Power blog lays down the case for avoiding an increase in the gas tax because we don't know how high it should go and that government might mess things up worse than they already are. Here is the conclusion:For government offi...
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Marginal Revolution, with a free market bent, has over 4 million served, er, hits. Here is my most fav post (What about the budget?):Megan McArdle (what do you call her when Jane links to Megan? And can they have an infinite regress?) a...
I'm as angry as the rest of you. I filled the tank on the family minivan this morning: $85.
CNN asks why gas prices are high and gives some nice explanations:
2004: Demand pressure
2005: Katrina
2006: Mideast political instability...
Continue reading ""Who's to blame for $4 gas"" »
Gas prices seem to be heading for an all-time real high. From the NYTimes: For millions of Americans, filling up the tank has become an eye-popping experience this summer as prices reached levels that, after adjusting for inflation, have...
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Krugman's words of caution: Economists really do know something about tax incidence that the laity
don’t. So when a presidential candidate says something that conflicts
with economistic wisdom, it becomes THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE EVER.